Start Date
01/03/2024 12:25
End Date
01/03/2024 13:05
Basic digital skills
Bee-Bot is a programmable autonomous robot that introducesyounger kids, from the age of 4 years old to fundamental codingideas. Students can acquire directional language, directives,sequencing, and problem-solving techniques while simply having fun.
Interaction with the robot focuses at:
- Decomposition: the process through which students divide a taskinto pieces and subsequently into steps.
- Algorithms: sets of instructions created by students for Bee-Botsto figure out the path, that helps them reach an essential stage inalgorithm design (and evaluation)
- Predicting: when a student imagines what will happen after thealgorithm is loaded into the Bee-Bot, as a component of logicand logical reasoning.
- Collaborating: working with others to achieve the greatestpossible result, aiding students' success.
- Perseverance: students apply a trial-and-error strategy toconstruct algorithms and programs, particularly for more difficultintegers.
- Debugging: the process of finding and correcting programfaults, as a crucial skill since bugs occur in programs all the time.